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A.I. in Healthcare

Deep learning A.I (Artificial Intelligence) can be used to help detect diseases faster, provide personalized treatment plans and even autocate certain processes such as drug discovery or diagnostics. Though it may in the future reduce healthcare costs associated with patient outcomes and healthcare delivery, it does have red flags. 

According to a news article by Fox News, the problem occurs when these algorithms are extended to clinical practice without set standards and requiring massive amounts of data on which to train. And when AI fails in a diagnosis, there is vulnerability for a lawsuit to both the health care facility or hospital and potentially the physician. This problem is made worse with unregulated bot models that are available to the general public. This is why patients should invest the time to see an actual clinician with real-life medical care experience that can offer evidence-based medicine rather than resorting to AIs like ChaptGPT. The technology is too new and untested at this point in time. 

A new study from the Netherlands showed that ChatGPT could answer basic cardiology-related questions 90 percent of the time. But this success rate diminished dramatically to 50 percent when the questions became more complex. And then there’s the concern that AI can “hallucinate,” giving a completely inappropriate answer to a question just when you feel you can rely on it.

This is why a patient, rather than wait an hour in a waiting room for a ten-minute visit with a real doctor, can’t simply resort instead to ChatGPT. And it’s not only a question of accuracy. We doctors also bring clinical judgment along with empathy and nuance to a personalized doctor’s visit. Risk benefit analyses of tests, treatments, and vaccines are complex and are too personalized for even the most advanced AI.

There is no doubt that we doctors need help – we are buried in computerized paperwork and bureaucratic interfaces that interfere with patient care. But the rush to a computerized solution must not further dehumanize health care. There are few things more personal than the medical care of patients, and AI is not able to humanize its application of health advice, at least not yet. 

Read the full article here.

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