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Chlamydia by Sara Morrison

Chlamydia is a very common, sexually transmitted disease in both women and men.  It can cause permanent damage to a women’s reproductive system.  It can make it impossible or challenging for a woman to become pregnant later in life.  Some women with chlamydia can have an ectopic pregnancy, which is when the pregnancy occurs outside the womb.

According to a 2017 article from the Center for Disease Control, “younger people are more at risk to get chlamydia by anal, vaginal, and or oral sex.”  Sexually active younger people are more are at a higher risk because of common behaviors between young people.  Bisexuals and other males are at risk due to oral and anal sex.  Chlamydia does not depend on your gender since it can be spread in many ways.  Anyone is susceptible to chlamydia if they have unprotected sex.

It’s known that most people don’t even know that they have chlamydia.  Most individuals don’t have any symptoms.  Even with no symptoms showing, it can disrupt the reproductive system in women.  And if you become pregnant while the individual has chlamydia, it can be passed to the child during birth.  Chlamydia can also cause premature birth in some women.  Treatment and testing are the ways to avoid this situation.

Some symptoms of chlamydia for women are:  burning sensation while urinating and abnormal discharge.  Symptoms for a male can include swelling and pain in one or both testicles, a discharge from the head of the penis, and possible a burning pain when urinating. Women and men can also get chlamydia in their rectum.  This occurs when having anal sex or having unprotected vaginal sex and then having anal sex.  Some of the symptoms of having anal chlamydia bleeding, rectal pain, and a discharge.

If a person does not treat chlamydia or it goes unnoticed it can cause serious medical problems.  It’s known that men rarely have any medical issues if the chlamydia goes untreated.  If a male does have any symptoms it occurs when the infection goes up the tube that carries the sperm from the testicles, which can be painful and cause a fever.  For women, how ever it can cause Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).  This disease can cause a woman to have an ectopic pregnancy which the fertilized egg can not pass through the fallopian tubes and becomes stuck.  This can be dangerous and even fatal.  It can also cause a woman to become infertile for the rest of her life.  PID can also make a woman have permanent pelvic pain.

The information provided is for general interest only and should not be misconstrued as a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment recommendation. This information does not in any way constitute the practice of medicine, or any other health care profession. Readers are directed to consult their health care provider regarding their specific health situation. Marque Medical is not liable for any action taken by a reader based upon this information.



