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Dry Brushing

Author: Alyssa Sota, Manager

Dry brushing is a method of gently exfoliating your skin using a special firm-bristled brush. Some people use it as part of their skin routine to try to restore firmness, get rid of dry flaking skin, detoxify, help digestion, improve the appearance of cellulite, and encourage blood flow to certain areas of the body. But before you grab a brush and start going to town, it’s good to know and understand how to do it correctly and which areas should be avoided during the process. 

To get the benefits of dry brushing you’ll want to use a natural stiff-bristled bath or shower brush, preferably one with a long handle. Some bristles are stiffer than others, and it depends on your skin’s sensitivity and preference. The long handle is helpful for tough-to-reach areas like your back. 

The best time to dry brush is right before you shower. Then you can wash off any dead skin cells and flaky skin that comes up after you brush. Be sure to apply lotion after your shower to restore moisture back into your skin. Here are some tips on how to dry brush your skin correctly:

  1. Dry brush once a day and shower immediately afterward. Most experts recommend dry brushing in the morning rather than before bed because of its energizing qualities.
  2. Start from the feet or ankles and work your way upward in long, fluid-like strokes on limbs.
  3. Then move the brush in a circular motion on your torso and back.
  4. Since the process can be a little too much for sensitive areas like the abdomen, breasts and neck, it’s best to lighten up the pressure as needed.
  5. A few overlapping swipes per area is all you need. If you go over the same area for too long, you can cause irritation or bleeding.

Remember to not dry brush over previously irritated skin or scrapes, lesions, sores, or burned skin. Also avoid dry brushing your face since the skin is more sensitive. If you want to exfoliate your face, use more gentle products and methods that are specifically designed for it. 

For dry brushing to be effective, the bristles must generally be pretty firm. But if your skin is too sensitive, you can use a plain, dry washcloth. If you notice redness, swelling or inflammation while brushing, stop right away. There are many benefits of dry brushing and the list includes:

  1. Detoxifies the skin – Dry brushing unclogs your pores, stimulates circulation and blood flow, promotes lymph flow and drainage. 
  2. Stimulates the nervous system
  3. Gives you skin a more natural and radiant glow – Removing dead skin cells can make your skin smoother and softer.
  4. Gentler than exfoliating and scrubbing in the shower – Remember, hot water inflames your skin and may even strip away oils, fats, and protein that keep your skin healthy. Brushing your skin while it’s dry allows you to exfoliate  and increase blood circulation without robbing it of its natural oils the way the hot water in your shower can.

Dry brushing is a great alternative to exfoliating your skin. It has many benefits with some you can notice just after one session! 

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