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Electronic Cigarettes by Lynn Stanton, M.D.

Dr.-Stanton-224x300Tobacco use is a highly significant detriment to the general health of smokers and chewers.  Additionally, the lingering odor from the smoke is very undesirable; your co-workers can always tell when you’ve had a work break.   Despite the clear warnings about the health dangers of tobacco use, cessation is difficult whether it’s smoked or chewed.  The addictive properties of tobacco are well-known.  Are electronic cigarettes a treatment option?

In 2007, e-cigarettes were introduced in the U.S. Since then, there have been efforts in the medical science community to use the e-cigarettes as a tool to help tobacco users abstain.  So far, the usefulness has been on a par with the nicotine patches.  The effectiveness has been less than ten percent.

There are 3 types of e-cigarettes:

  1. One piece disposable vaporizer with a nicotine cartridge.
  2. Two-piece device with a rechargeable battery and refillable cartridge.E-cigarette-Vape-Store-300x300-1
  3. Three-piece kit with a rechargeable battery, nicotine cartridge, and atomizer.


The e-cigarettes are safer than inhaled or chewed tobacco as they lack the tar, carcinogens, and other harmful chemicals found in tobacco.  E-smokers will experience mouth, pharyngeal irritation, and cough.  The federal government is planning to decide how to regulate the e-cigs.  There are currently no laws concerning e-cigarette usage.  They are considered a medical device that does not provide any health benefits.

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