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What Happens When You Don’t Have a Bowel Movement? By Thomas Jeffrey Nguyen

Although this topic is not what most people often discuss, it’s very important to understand why and how our body disposes waste normally and abnormally. Doing so, would give us early warnings of significant diseases, such as colon cancer.

In the article, “What Happened if You Don’t Poop for 40 Days?”, a 24-year refused to poop for 43 days.  Let us dive into this with a medical perspective.  How to voluntarily retain fecal? Answer:  Patients would tighten the pelvic muscles and buttocks when the urge to defecate strikes.

Results of Fecal Retention according to Gastroenterologist, Lan Lustbader of NYU

  • Colon can become dangerously distended; a condition called Megacolon. (X-rays can show this)
  • Feces can become hard and impacted, resulting in bowel to rupture. (Doctors would use their hands to pull feces out in some patients)
  • Holding back the urge to defecate can slow the feedback mechanism that keeps bowel moving smoothly. (Results in sitting longer on the toilet)
  • Altered bowel motility in the future. (You would require laxatives or alternatives to stimulate your colon)
  • Even with no food, bowel can produce little bit of runny discharge. (Intestinal mucous and fluids)
  • Colon slowdown

Health Article

Tips for better bowel movements without painful constipation or explosive diarrhea:

  • Eat plenty of coconut oil and high quality saturated fats. (Natural lubricants)
  • Eat plenty of veggies, leafy greens, with a moderate amount of fruits. (Good ratio of fiber and water)
  • Stay hydrated (~ 4 glasses a day)
  • Eat and drink plenty of probiotic foods and beverages. (We lose digestive enzymes as we age)
  • AVOID highly processed food. (Lack bulk, meaning not smooth and sticks to everything)
  • Try squatting. (Helps guts line up correctly to pass more easily)


Aim for type 4 stool. Type 3 has latent constipation.




The information provided is for general interest only and should not be misconstrued as a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment recommendation. This information does not in any way constitute the practice of medicine, or any other health care profession. Readers are directed to consult their health care provider regarding their specific health situation. Marque Medical is not liable for any action taken by a reader based upon this information.
