Author: Mark Wade, MD
Conjunctivitis (pink eye) is when the conjunctiva, or the membrane that lines the eyelid and eyeball becomes inflamed. It’s typically caused by a viral infection, though it can be bacterial, an allergic reaction or – in babies – an incompletely opened tear duct.
Symptoms may include:
– Redness in the white of the eye or inner eyelid
– Increased production of tears
– Thick yellow discharge that get crusty over the lashes
– Green or white discharge from the eye
– Itchy or burning eyes
– Blurry vision
– Increased sensitivity to light
Pink eye is contagious. If someone is suspected of pink eye, avoid sharing makeup such as mascara or eyeliner, towels, or pillowcases. Thoroughly wash your sheets, towels, and throw away eye related makeup. People who wear contact lenses need to stop wearing them as soon as pink eye symptoms begin. Though pink eye can be irritating, it rarely affects your vision.
Treatment options include:
A medical professional will be able to properly diagnose if your infection is bacterial, viral, or allergy related. Rarely, a medical professional will take a sample of the liquid for laboratory analysis, but sometimes it happens.
– Prescription eye drops to help clear the infection
– Apply cold or warm compresses several times a day
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