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Benefits of Facial Masks and the Ingredients Your Skin Needs by Lauren Mitchell

Facial masks can be perfect for almost everyone’s skin care routine and skin care concerns. Facial masks can be deep cleansing, detoxifying, hydrating, moisturizing, exfoliating, brightening, and elasticizing. They can help to improve dry or oily skin, acne, fine lines, texture, and redness. They allow your skin to recover from stress and pollution, and promote relaxation and self-care.

There is a mask out there with everything your skin needs, all depending on different ingredients. You should choose ingredients that are compatible with your skin type:

  • COFFEE: Reduces inflammation and redness and can essentially “wake up” a tired complexion. Coffee = energy.
  • TEA: Ideal for aging skin, contains antioxidant that prevents wrinkles and makes your face softer and smoother.
  • CHARCOAL: Ideal for blemish-prone skin, acts like magnet that removes dirt from pores.
  • CLAY: Ideal for oily and acne-prone skin, and helps get reduce redness and eliminate toxins.
  • HONEY: Great for acne treatment and prevention due to it being naturally antibacterial, moisturizing and soothing (which creates that beautiful “glow”), full of antioxidants (which slows down aging).
  • OATMEAL: Helps sensitive skin, treats acne and eczema, balances out the amount of oil on your skin, and acts as a natural exfoliant.
  • AVOCADO: Ideal for dry skin and clogged pores. It’s soothing and hydrating, and rich in vitamins and lecithin, which helps restore and revitalize skin. The oil in avocado dissolves fat and dirt that clogs your pores.
  • ROSE PETALS/OIL: Helps with skin redness, dry skin, and clogged and large pores due to its’ toning effect, leaving skin smooth and soft while evening complexion. It also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
  • YOGURT: Great for oily and acne prone skin. Plain, unflavored yogurt with active cultures softens skin, evens skin tone, cleanses, and nourishes.

HOW TO: Wash your face to remove surface oils, dirt, and impurities. Then, apply mask to skin with a brush or clean fingers. Wait the given time specific to your mask, and relax! Drink a cup of coffee (if applied in the morning) or a glass of wine (if applied in the evening), light a candle, and break out a good book. When time is up, use a warm, wet wash cloth and water to gently remove the mask. Pat dry, don’t rub, to prevent irritation. When your skin is dry, make sure to finish up with a moisturizer.

HOW OFTEN?: While it may be okay for some masks to be used frequently, less is often more. One to two times per week typically works for most, but listen to your skin. Pay attention to how your skin reacts post-application, and base that on the frequency in which you use your mask.

  • TIP: Dab small amount of eye gel/cream around eyes before application of facial mask to prevent dehydration.
  • TIP: The cliche beauty tip of putting slices of cucumbers on top of your eyes has validity because cucumbers can reduce under eye darkness and puffiness. Cucumbers revitalize!

The information provided is for general interest only and should not be misconstrued as a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment recommendation. This information does not in any way constitute the practice of medicine, or any other health care profession. Readers are directed to consult their health care provider regarding their specific health situation. Marque Medical is not liable for any action taken by a reader based upon this information.
