Routine Adult Vaccinations by Alison F. Sims M.D.
A vaccination is an injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism designed to protect you from preventable illnesses. This summary of routine vaccinations is
Heat Exhaustion
Author: Jon Fraser, MD Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are more likely to happen during the summer; it is important to take safety measures to
David Porzio, MD, FACC There is no debate among medical professionals that elevated blood cholesterol or lipid levels are associated with an increased risk of
Dog and Cat Bites
Author: Alison Sims, MD Summer is a great season to spend time with your furry friends outdoors. Dog parks and dog beaches are popular spots
Amphetamines for Adults with ADHD? by Lynn Stanton, M.D.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition which starts during childhood and can continue into adulthood. Adults with ADHD display symptoms of inattention (i.e. difficulty focusing
Author: Nathan Kiskila, MD Question: Dr. Kiskila, what is diverticulitis?Answer: Diverticulitis is the inflammation of small pouches in the intestine, called diverticula. It can be
Hepatitis C by George Lindsey, M.D.
The Centers for Disease Control is now recommending that everyone in the U.S. born between 1945 and 1965 be tested for hepatitis C virus infection.
Food Allergies by Lynn Stanton, M.D.
A food allergy is a magnified immune response triggered by a specific food. The immune system is designed to defend your body from dangerous substances
A Brief Overview of Pre-Operation Physicals by Nathan Kiskila, M.D.
We see patients for pre-operation physicals and many of them share similar questions and concerns. Here is a brief overview of what is required before