Q. and A. with Dr. Kiskila- This Month’s Topic: Measles
Question: Dr. Kiskila, what are measles? Answer: Measles is an infectious disease caused by the rubella virus. Question: How do I get measles? How long
A Foreign Body in the Foot by Alison Sims, M.D.
One of the most rewarding things that I do on a regular basis at Marque Urgent Care is to remove a painful foreign body (FB)
Q. and A. with Dr. Kiskila- This Month’s Topic: Osteoporosis
Question– Dr. Kiskila, what is osteoporosis? Answer– Osteoporosis is a weakening of the bones. Question– Who is most likely to develop osteoporosis and how does
Prevention: Alzheimer’s Disease by Stan Wasbin, M.D.
Is it possible to prevent Alzheimer’s disease (AD)? Yes. The latest thinking is that close to one in three cases of this cruel disease is
Q. and A. with Dr. Kiskila- This Month’s Topic: Calcium
Question– Dr. Kiskila, is it a good idea to take a calcium supplement? If so, who should take them? Answer– Calcium helps bones and teeth
How to Prevent a Heart Attack (or Not) Part Two by David G. Porzio, M.D., FACC
In my last article I discussed how difficult it is to actually prevent a heart attack. I emphasized the importance of recognition of symptoms related
Whooping Cough on the Rise by Dorcas M. Eaves, M.D., MSS, AACPE
Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, has reached an epidemic level in California in 2014. This week ABC News reports that our state is facing
Q. and A. with Dr. Kiskila- This Month’s Topic: Probiotics
Question– Dr. Kiskila, what are probiotics? Answer– Probiotics are “good bacteria” that live in the body to help it work well and help defend the
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Author: David Porzio, MD What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome? It’s a common condition that affects your colon which causes cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea