Zika in California by Frank Young, M.D.
In Southern California, the news features a Zika virus article almost daily. The Asian Tiger mosquito as well as the Yellow Fever mosquito (which could
Flu Shots
Author: Alison Sims, MD I find there is a great divide among my patients: those who swear by the protection of their influenza vaccinations every
Q. and A. with Dr. Kiskila- This Month’s Topic: Back to School and Sports Physicals
This Month’s Topic: Back to School and Sports Physicals Question: Dr. Kiskila what are back to school and sports physicals? Answer: Back to school sport
Benefits of Vitamin D by Nathan Kiskila, MD
Vitamin D is essential to our health We need this nutrient to maintain health in our bones and other parts of our bodies. Vitamin D
Lead Poisoning- Part 1 by David Davis, M.D.
Lead Poisoning Part One Many years ago a constantly convulsing seven-year-old child was brought into my emergency room. She required immediate life-saving measures. After stabilization,
Poison Oak by David G. Porzio, M.D. FACC
We are very fortunate to live here in Southern California. The weather, as we all know, is phenomenal throughout the year. In Orange County we
Q. and A. with Dr. Kiskila- This Month’s Topic: Anemia
Question- Dr. Kiskila, what is anemia? Answer- Anemia is a decreased number of red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen; people with anemia may
Aging Independently by Alison Sims, M.D.
As the Baby Boomer population enters their senior years, the number of people over 65 years of age is rapidly expanding and therefore so is
What is Zika Virus? by Farzin Mohtadi, D.O.
Zika is a type of virus that was originally isolated in 1947 from the Rhesus monkey. The name Zika came from its discovery in the